Film and video
Combining my writing and photography experience, I have written, directed and shot multiple short films that have found success in both Australian and international film festivals.
Produced on nil budgets, I also took on the roles of editor and sound design to ensure that the films could realise their full potential with as few resources as possible.
I have produced, filmed, edited and narrated a number of short-form documentaries covering travel, culture and motorsport across Japan on behalf of the English lifestyle magazine, Tokyo Weekender.
Social Media
From luxury hotels to far-flung travel destinations, I have directed, shot and edited a range of video-based social media content for a wide variety of clients, each with their own specific goals and requirements.
By understanding the importance of communication, on-brand storytelling and the nuances of modern social media, I have been able to consistently deliver unique, high-quality video campaigns that have resulted in 700k views and beyond.
Here are just a couple of Instagram reels that I was responsible for, from pre-planning and shooting, to post production and delivery.